
06 January 2014

Through the Purple Haze Secret Santa Blog Hop

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you're not snowed in, wherever you may be!  We were supposed to get about three inches but ended up getting nothing.  Bummer!  Even though we've already missed 4 1/2 days of school due to ice, I already wanted another snow day.  Is that bad? ;-)

Welcome to the Secret Santa Blog Hop for Through the Purple Haze!  If you came here from Anita's blog, then you're in the right place!  If you just happened upon my blog, you should start at Anita's blog, where you'll also find the entire lineup.

Today the Design Team is going to be sharing with you the gifts we received from our Secret Santa on the team.  I got a box FULL of great things!

I think there was also a really cute globe-like thing my Secret Santa made using an extra-small fish bowl and an extra-small flower pot, but the globe was broken when the package came. :-(  I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to be able to put a new globe on it and salvage it or not.  

I hope you all had a great Christmas and/or holiday season!  Your next stop  is Becky.  But WAIT--there's more!  I've got a bag of goodies to give away!!!  Here's what you need to do:

1.  Become a follower of my blog; and
2.  Leave a comment telling me EITHER your favorite Christmas present this year OR your favorite thing about this time of year (Sorry, but comments that do not include this will not be included in the drawing.).

For an EXTRA ENTRY into the drawing, share this on your blog, Twitter, or Facebook, and leave a separate comment saying you did so.  THAT'S IT!  The giveaway will stay open until this Friday, January 10.  I'll draw a winner and post on Saturday, January 11.

I hope you enjoy this blog hop, and be sure to come back NEXT Monday for the first Through the Purple Haze challenge of 2014!  Enjoy the hop, good luck, and happy scrapping!


  1. lots of yummy goodies Ashley hope you have fun with them :)

  2. Lovely goodies Ashley! Hope you are enjoying crafting with them :) great candy as well, you are very kind :) I love my crafty presents but especially my new washi tapes I got for Christmas :)
    Eithne DT

  3. Wow what a lovely parcel from Secret must have been so happy to receive that.....wonderful.

  4. hello hun, shame about the globe being broke but what a lovely bunch of goodies you got.

    Thanks for the chance to win candy :) my fav pressie this year has to be my ss pressie :)

  5. Looks like your SS was very good to you! I got so many nice things it is hard to pick my favorite one, but I guess it would have to be my signed book by Nicholas Sparks that my daughter in law and son gave me. She went to his book signing in Kansas City and got me a signed copy of The Longest Ride.

  6. Oh, so much lovely stuff to play with!!! And to join the candy; my best Christmas gift this year (ehm, last year) was the box I got from my Secret Santa <3

  7. Great secret Santa gifts. My favorite gift were the beautiful pearl earrings from my daughter and SIL-to be. I'll be wearing them at her wedding in the spring.
    Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy.

  8. What a nice box of goodies. Enjoy. I'm already a follower. My favorite gift this Christmas was a gift card to Michaels.

  9. That's a nice amount of goodies! My favorite Christmas gift is an Iris roll around cart to hold my scrapbooking supplies- there's 6 drawers that are actually plastic boxes that come out and the top of the cart has 3 indentions for more items that won't fit inside like my XACTO Paper Trimmer. I can't wait to use this at crops, well at least the drawer part! I'm able to roll around the house wherever I scrap! LOVE it! Thanks for the invite to the hop! :) I'll share on my Facebook & blog later.

  10. Smashing lot of crafting goodies you received hunni.

    My favourite Christmas presents were the 2 that my children brought for me with there own money,pink fluffy hot water bottle and a tub of my favourite sweets


  11. Wow what a lovely lot of goodies i bet you will have lots of fun with those they are brilliant!

  12. Love all the stamps you got especially the Joy, Peace, etc. My favorite gift this year was the joy I got when we TOTALLY SURPRISED both my daughter and son with gifts they did not expect. A camera for my daughter and a Tennis Hoody with his school name.
