
09 September 2012

LOTS of happenings!!!

Hello, my wonderful blog friends!!!  Oh, how I've missed all of you!  Things have been super crazy for us as we transitioned from California to Arkansas, stayed with my parents for a few weeks, and now have our own house.  I was able to secure a teaching job at my alma mater, Batesville High School, without even being back in Arkansas for twenty-four hours.  WONDERFUL!!!  I'm teaching English 10 and pre-AP English 10 and loving every minute of it!

Many of you may notice that I added a "My Reading Bucket List" tab on my page.  As we are encouraging our students at BHS to read twenty-five books this year, all of my students are required to fill out a reading bucket list.  The list contains ten books, their authors, and a fifty-word note on why they chose to put that book on their list.  My kids are also required to have a blog and will be posting several things on their blog this year.  I'll be joining them in some of their posts, so I thought I'd start by adding my reading bucket list to my tabs.  I'll be adding links to all of the books, my fifty-word notes, and reviews about each one once I get finished.  If you're a book lover, please check back for updates!

In the crafty world, I'll be getting back to crafting this week!  My new craft room is nowhere NEAR being organized yet, but I have GOT to get back at it!  The wonderful ladies at LiaStampz have graciously allowed me to join the Design Team again, and the next challenge will be up on September 15.  Be sure to check back to see what I create!

It's so nice to be back in the blogging world!  As soon as I get my craft room organized and set up, I'll be sharing pictures and asking for other suggestions.  Until then, happy scrapping, everyone!