
15 July 2009

Goodreads Book Review

Flowers in the Attic (Dollanganger, #1) Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I hadn't read this book since junior high, and there was some discussion on one of my Yahoo groups about it, so I decided to pick it up at the library and read it again. I'd forgotten how interesting it was! I couldn't put it down!
It had been so long since I read this book that it was just like reading it for the first time all over again. I forgot what happened, especially when the youngest twin got sick and how the children finally decided to escape. I think what pains me even more about this story is that even though it's a work of fiction, I could DEFINITELY see something like this happening in today's society, unfortunately. I highly recommend this book! If you're looking for a quick and easy read in a paperback, this is one. I'll be picking up the rest of the books in the series, because I don't think I ever read them all!

View all my reviews >>


Yes, yes, I can't seem to remember to update this thing on a regular basis! Maybe I should just set a reminder in my phone. That always seems to help! Since the last time I was here, my youngest son, Joseph, made his grand appearance into the world on January 16, my husband made it home safely from Iraq when Joseph was 2 weeks old, and my oldest son Kennedy is about to wrap up his summer visit with us. It's been a crazy summer! Lots going on. Maybe I'll update all the drama with our rent house at a later point in time. I just want to get someone in there to start paying the mortgage!

11 January 2009

Baby news

Well, today is my baby's due date, but he's not showing ANY signs of wanting to be born! I guess he's decided already that he's just going to be stubborn. I'll be 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow, and I'm not in labor by Tuesday afternoon, my dr is going to induce me on Tuesday evening. SO! It looks RIGHT NOW like my son's birthday will be January 14, unless he decides to change his mind between now and then. I am SOOOOOOO ready for him to be born! I can't WAIT to meet my new son!!!!!