
20 December 2008

Maternity Photos

I had maternity photos made today! I can't WAIT to see the finished product, after the photos are edited. Amanda, the photog, is supposed to e-mail me a couple of the pics on Monday or Tuesday, so I'll post them when I get them (if I remember!). Adrian will be getting an album with about thirty or so of the pics, and I hope he really likes them. I wanted to do this for him, since he can't be here to enjoy the end of the pregnancy. He'll be home soon, though! WOOHOO!!!!!!

26 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

So, it's the day before Thanksgiving, and I get to be in Arkansas this year with my parents and my son. Unfortunately, though, the one person I truly want to be here--my husband--is unable to be with us, because he is serving this WONDERFUL country in Iraq as a sixteen-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps. OOHRAH! This will be the first Thanksgiving since we've been together that we've been separated, so he will definitely be on my mind all day.

I always look forward to my mom's cooking for Thanksgiving. We'll have all the traditional favorites tomorrow--turkey, ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, hash brown casserole, and rolls. Desserts will consist of pumpkin squares, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and whatever kind of cake my Aunt Lou is bringing. I'll eat WAAAAAAAY too much, but I'll enjoy the leftovers as long as they last!

I hope you all enjoy a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day with your families!

22 October 2008

My first blog

Well, I've resisted blogging until now and finally decided I should probably get into it. So, I don't know how often I'll do this, or I guess I should say how often I'll REMEMBER to do this, but I'm going to make a concerted effort! There may be several the first few days as I think of things I want to say, and then I may go several days without posting anything at all. AT ANY RATE! We'll see how it goes!